Wednesday 1 August 2012


Haven't posted in ages. Thought I'd just say about my daydream cos it was nice :)

It was around my 21st and I'd received three presents from my best friend - dinner, alcohol and a charm bracelet. On the charm bracelet there were three charms and he said each one was meant to represent my presents so I wouldn't forget. One was a little cocktail glass, one was a burger and the other a letter.

He told me that I had to work out why the letter represented. I tried to work it out and soon enough it dawned on me that it was the first letter of his name. If he gives me that as a present when I turn 21, then it'll be the best birthday ever. I doubt it'll happen... But it'd be nice :)

Sunday 15 July 2012


Long time no see...

Well I've been working, sleeping, and making my gramps a cake. He turned 70 this weekend and as he used to be a farmer I made him a very large, themed cake. (picture to follow).

Work has been manic and what with the late shifts im fairly tired.

Glad to have day shifts next week - I can get some normal sleep in and see some special people. Out in town with the bestie on saturdy night! Dinner with Lovely Kirsty on thurs and tomorrow seeing the wounded soldier for a catch up <3

Thursday 12 July 2012

Busy busy busy

So I've organised my life now, and yet still really busy.

My grandads 70th birthday celebrations are this weekend and I am making him a cake. He used to be a farmer so currently I have made sunflowers, fences, cows and a tractor out of icing. I am damn cool ;)

Work last night and was meant to finish at 10 but cos I'm just that cool, I worked till finish as we were short staffed. Did the closed own of the bar on my own. So proud :)

Not looking forward to Friday - Olympic torch is coming through bournemouth and all the roads are closed so I either have to walk to work or go really early and spend the day in Bournemouth... Hmmm... :/ not fun.

Monday 9 July 2012


This post is pretty much gunna be moaning so apologies in advance.
But I'm feeling rather unlucky at the moment.

Today my godson, nan and I were out walking. My nan found a tenner, godson found about £7 in
Coins and me? Nothing.

I'm unlucky in love... Wont get the guy.

I'm unlucky because everyone else is abroad (mostly) and I'm not.

I never win anything. I always miss out on things. However much I try, it's never quite right.

Sometimes it sucks being me :(

Sunday 8 July 2012

Sexy barmaid

Well you gotta amuse your readers... Thought you'd like this :)

Hectic weekend

Had a riding lesson on Friday - haven't ridden in about 5 weeks so was much needed!!! Rode my friends 17.1hh bay Irish x called Ralph - notoriously lazy with a VERY big stride.

A nice jump lesson which when I sorted myself out we we're jumping a course of 1m fences - why a clever boy!!! We went for a walk round the gallops to cool down.

At the bottom of the hill on the gallops a deer in the next field spooked Ralph and he took off like a gun shot. He then locked into the nearest xc fence on the gallops- a 4ftish log. How we survived that one I'm not sure but it was a huge jump!!!

Had to go to work in the evening so came home to shower, however as I stepped in, I slipped, twisting my ankle and falling heavily. Needless to say I didn't go to work!!

The next morning I woke up and my ankle felt much better. The same cannot be said of the rest of me which felt like my entire body had been tortured. My muscles were so sore!!!

Anyway I hobbled round work and got my rota for next week - Monday and Tuesday off for anyone who wants to see me lol ;)

Today I'm cooling for the family. Chicken in a cheese, wine and mushroom sauce with sweet potato followed by meringue, fruit and chocolate pecan pie!!! Oh yeahhhhh...